PG Madhavan, Ph.D.
Chairman, Syzen
Analytics, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA
Dr. PG Madhavan is
the Founder of Syzen Analytics, Inc. He developed his expertise in Analytics as
an EECS Professor, Computational Neuroscience researcher, Bell Labs MTS,
Microsoft Architect and startup CEO. PG has been involved in four startups with
two as Founder.
Major Original
Computational Neuroscience of Hippocampal Place
Cell phenomenon related to the subject matter of 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Random Field Theory estimation methods,
relationship to systems theory and industry applications.
Early Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 2.5G/EDGE and Ultra-wideband
wireless technology standards and products.
Currently developing Systems Analytics bringing
model-based methods into current Analytics practice.
PG has 12 issued US patents and over 100
publications & platform presentations to Sales, Marketing, Product,
Industry Standards and Research groups. More at www.linkedin.com/in/pgmad
Pedro Domingos in his new
book, “The
Master Algorithm”, has done us a huge favor. As is true of any emerging
technology field, Machine Learning (ML) is a “bag of tricks” today; it takes a
while for a unifying framework to emerge. Then, one can see various aspects of
ML as special cases of a general theory rather than a grab-bag of tools and
has taken a great early step to such unification. He has collected all major ML
initiatives into a taxonomy that makes sense; five schools of thought: the
evolutionaries, connectionists, symbolists, Bayesians, and analogizers. I
believe this does not go far enough in the unification of ML thought however .
. .
the early days of “ML”, I see Pattern Recognition and Classification as a better
unifying perspective. In particular, the classic textbook of Duda & Hart, “Pattern
Classification & Scene Analysis”, published in 1973 is my starting point!
Duda & Hart’s approach in simple terms is as follows. Given labelled samples,
obtain a class description consisting of either a distance metric (Euclidean,
intra-class, etc.) or a probability density function and then derive a decision
rule (Maximum A-posteriori Probability, Bayes, etc.) from the description. The
decision rule specifies a decision boundary in feature space among classes.
Alternatively, decision surface can be derived directly from labelled
samples which is then called a “Discriminant Function”, perceptron being an
example. Then, most if not all current ML techniques can be seen as dueling
methods to derive Discriminant Functions!
Functions can be linear or nonlinear (neural network with back-propagation, deep
learning, support vector machines, kernel PCA, etc.) and outputs can be binary,
integer or real valued. Various learning algorithms can be seen as belonging to
the family of iterative/ recursive/ adaptive learning algorithms (Least Mean
Square being a great old standby!) that update the parameters of the
Discriminant Function as new data arrive.
the discussion above, features were considered as “static” and not
context-sensitive (for identifying a word within a sentence as an example).
Context-sensitivity or Dynamics can be added to improve classification by
incorporating Markov models (or Hidden Markov Models for tractable
computations). Markov model is a special case of State Space Models which are
well-studied in Systems Theory.
aside Supervised Classification when labelled samples (or “desired signals”)
are available, what can we do when there is no supervision? This is the realm
of much harder Unsupervised Learning, which is very useful in transforming basic
features into more and more meaningful ones. One usually brings in some overall
desirable property to guide unsupervised learning. From the domain of “blind
processing” (Radar signal processing, for example), Mutual Information among
classes can be minimized as a learning process in the belief that the “best”
classification happens when the classes have least overlapping information (better
“efficiency” in representation).
of entropy-related quantities that are hard to estimate, it is likely that
Scale of Fluctuation which is related to “order” and “state space volume” may
be a quantity to optimize for a new unsupervised learning process. (For more
information on Scale of Fluctuation, refer to my papers, “Instantaneous Scale of Fluctuation Using Kalman-TFD
and Applications in Machine Tool Monitoring”, 1997 & “Kalman Filtering and
time-frequency distribution of random signals”, 1996).
all of the existing ML bags of tricks, we are still staying at the surface
level! We are modeling the attributes or data DIRECTLY. What if we went one
level deeper? Model the SYSTEM that generates the data! Syzen
Analytics, Inc., takes such an explicit approach in what we call “SYSTEMS”
Analytics” which has already demonstrated significant value in business
Syzen’s retail commerce application, our Systems Analytics approach hypothesizes that
there is a system, either explicit or implicit, behind the scenes
generating customer purchase behaviors and purchase propensities. This
‘one-level-deeper system model parameters’ can be more effective for pattern
recognition and classification purposes instead of the data that the model
generates! There is a long history of model parameters providing better
estimates (in power spectrum analysis, for example). Scale of Fluctuation
mentioned earlier seems to have another desirable property of quantifying “coupling”
among deeper-level model parameters.
dynamics is a very good avenue to exploit. The dynamics could be over any
independent variable (time always comes to mind first but it is only one of the
possibilities). As I noted in my recent blog (“SYSTEMS Analytics – the next big thing in Big Data & Analytics”), “Extensions to Systems Analytics in the
future will be inspired by the insight that in reality, data exist in
*embedded* forms in preference and influence networks which are distributed in
time and space” AND other independent dimensions (shopper preference, for
Let me pull all of the
notions discussed so far into a diagram.
the patterns have been recognized and classes identified, the resulting classes
can be used for all sorts of applications such as Recommendation Engine,
Language Translation, Fraud Detection and many others. The approach I outline
above allows you to take a unified approach till the application development
stage. In doing so, the unified approach also points out new paths ahead for
readers would have noticed an undertow of dichotomies while reading this
“opinion piece”: Theoretic vs Heuristic; Formal vs Ad hoc; Mathematics vs AI;
Electrical Engineering vs Computer Science academic departmental affiliations!
I am firmly in the former camps. However, as an engineer, I am personally happy
to start with heuristic solutions but quickly put them on firm mathematical
foundations before “gotchas” and unintended consequences of ad hoc methods
catch up with me.
The unification of ML
proposed here opens up a multilane highway – join the journey and create more breakthroughs
with us or on your own!
In this blog, I have not provided
many references – web search will get you most; Pedro Domingos’ “The Master
Algorithm” book is an excellent source of ML-related literature. For the newer
and less familiar work, please contact me directly.
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